Conference Venue:

Saulėtekio av. 5, 10222 Vilnius

HOW TO REACH THE MKIC (Vilnius University Library Scientific Communication and Information Center)?

Virtual tour:

Address of the MKIC:

Saulėtekio av. 5, 10222 Vilnius 

MKIC is located in Saulėtekis student camp.

FROM VILNIUS AEROPORT (Rodūnios kl. 10A, 02189 Vilnius)


Taxi service is available near the main entrance of the Airport. A service of taxi sharing is available close to the main entrance of the Airport.

It is possible to use taxi apps such as Bolt and Uber. 

Apps you can find in Google or Apple stores. Links below: 

Google Play:

Apple store:


The fastest route is to use 3G and 4G buses. 

From the “Oro uostas” stop choose the 3G bus (Oro uostas – Fabijoniškės) and ride for 25 min (9 stops) until Žaliasis tiltas stop, then go to Lvivo stop, which is 5 min by foot from Žaliasis tiltas stop. 

When you reach the Lvivo stop choose the 4G bus (Pilaitė – Saulėtekis) and ride for 23 min (6 stops ) until you  reach Saulėtekis stop. Then go for 5 min (about 450 m) on foot and you will reach the MKIC.

The tickets for the ride and transport schedules you can find in the Traffi app. 

App link: 




FROM VILNIUS RAILWAY AND BUS STATION (Geležinkelio g. 16, 02100 Vilnius)

BY trolleybus: Line Saulėtekis – Stotis (40 minutes – 16 stops). Walk about 5 minutes (450 mt) until you reach MKIC. Ticket cost: € 0,90