13th Annual Euromed Academy of Business (ΕΜΑΒ) Conference
International Marketing Review Special Issue workshop:
Systematic Literature Reviews in International Marketing:
From the Past to the Future
IMR Special Issue Paper Development Workshop
Palermo, Sicily, Italy
September 16-18, 2020
Link to the CFPs: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/call_for_papers.htm?id=8791
Link to the conference website: http://emrbi2020.com/
Submission Deadline: March 31st, 2020
The International Marketing Review (IMR) Special Issue Paper Development Workshop (PDW) will be held in Palermo, Sicily, Italy, as part of the conference program for the Euromed Academy of Business (ΕΜΑΒ) annual Conference meetings. The IMR PDW is organized by Prof. Demetris Vrontis (IMR Associate Editor and IMR Special Issue Supervising Guest Editor) and Dr. Michael Christofi (IMR Special Issue Managing Guest Editor).
The purpose of the PDW is to introduce the systematic literature review methodology to both junior and senior scholars and provide them with developmental feedback on their current systematic literature review papers in International Marketing research. While we hope that many of these papers will eventually be submitted to IMR Special Issue, the purpose of the PDW is broader: to improve the quality of systematic literature review papers in International Marketing research and to bring new scholars successfully into the International Marketing field. We invite original papers from scholars whose papers apply the systematic literature review methodology. In particular, we hope to attract papers from scholars who are developing a systematic literature review paper for the first time (although not mandatory).
The PDW is open to all conference participants. It will be structured to provide extensive feedback to authors whose research papers have been accepted by the workshop organizers and to educate conference participants on how to develop systematic literature reviews. The program will have four components. First, a 30-minutes introductory session led by Prof. Demetris Vrontis will introduce to participants and conference audience the Journal and the IMR Special Issue Workshop, and address various topics relevant to the manuscript review process for authors seeking to publish a systematic literature review paper in IMR or other outlets in the business field. Second, a 120-minutes seminar session will analyse to participants the process and the various components of a systematic literature review paper. Third, during a 125-minutes (depending on the number of submitted and accepted papers to the PDW) session, the author(s) of each participating paper will have a 15-minute presentation, followed by a 10 minutes discussion with the Conference Chairs. The main focus will be on how to improve the papers discussed, so as to increase the probability of them been accepted for publication in the IMR SI. The workshop and presentation will take place on Friday September 18th 2020.
Only a limited number of manuscripts will be accepted for the PDW. Participants will be invited based on the quality and potential intellectual contribution of their submitted work. Papers should be submitted through the 13th Euromed Academy of Business Conference Submission System located at http://emrbi2020.com/submissions/ and indicate in their title manuscript submission the following reference ID: IMR-PDW. Following successful online submission you should also send your manuscript by email to vrontis.d@unic.ac.cy and christofi.mi@unic.ac.cy. Please note that each applicant should submit only one paper or abstract.
The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2020. Submitted abstracts should be no more than 3 A4 pages in length, whereas papers must be less than 9,000 words.
Please note that authors will need to register for the 13th Euromed Academy of Business Conference in order to participate in the IMR PDW. Attending the conference and/or submitting a manuscript to IMR for publication consideration in the special issue are independent activities; authors are welcome to engage in one or both of these activities.
Please address any questions to: Professor Demetris Vrontis (vrontis.d@unic.ac.cy) and/or Dr Michael Christofi (christofi.mi@unic.ac.cy).
Professor Demetris Vrontis
Executive Dean, University of Nicosia
President, EuroMed Academy of Business
Associate Editor & Special Issue Supervising Guest Editor, International Marketing Review
Editor-in-Chief, EuroMed Journal of Business
Dr Michael Christofi
Senior Research Fellow,
University of Nicosia
Guest Editor, International Marketing Review